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Build unix' wc program in python

Level: Beginner (score: 2)

In this Bite you will convert Unix' wc command into Python. Your function takes a file (absolute path), reads it in and calculates the lines/words/chars. It returns a string of these numbers and the filename, like as a typical wc output, for example:

# Unix command
$ wc
      22      85     771

# your script
$ python
22	85	771

Don't worry about the amount of white space between the columns, you can use tabs or spaces.

Unix files add an extra newline to the end so for content Hello\nworld Unix' wc would return 12 (not 11):

$ cat hello
$ wc hello
       2       2      12 hello

As this is a Beginner Bite we can save you some head aches by suggesting you to use splitlines for the line counts!

See the tests for more info. Thanks Brian for introducing us to pytest's tmp_path fixture!

Have fun and keep coding in Python!