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Check equality of two lists

Level: Beginner (score: 2)

In this Bite we compare two list objects for equality, a fundamental thing to understand in Python.

Complete the check_equality function returning the various Enum values (representing equality scores) according to the type of equality of the lists:

  1. return SAME_REFERENCE if both lists reference the same object,
  2. return SAME_ORDERED if they have the same content and order,
  3. return SAME_UNORDERED if they have the same content unordered,
  4. return SAME_UNORDERED_DEDUPED if they have the same unordered content and reduced to unique items,
  5. and finally return NO_EQUALITY if none of the previous cases match.

Note that == and is are not the same in Python!

Have fun and keep calm and code in Python!