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Parse omdb movie json data

Level: Intermediate (score: 3)

Working with APIs is very common these days and lucky for us they increasingly return JSON (over XML). We saved OMDb responses for some cool movies into a file that the tests load in.

Parse this data answering some questions:

  1. get_movie_data consumes a list of movie json files (1 movie per file), returning a list of movie dicts, so for each movie you convert the json file to a dict.
  2. now you have the data structure, loop through the movies and return the movie:
    • with Comedy in Genres (get_single_comedy)
    • that had the most nominations (get_movie_most_nominations)
    • having the longest runtime (get_movie_longest_runtime)

Expect to do some string parsing and type conversions here. We hope you like it, enjoy!