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Subclass the dict built-in

Level: Intermediate (score: 3)

In this Bite, you will subclass UserDict from collections to support a birthday dictionary.

This dictionary takes names as keys and birthday dates as values. Implement the __setitem__ dunder method to print a message every time somebody gets added with a birthday that is already in the dictionary. It should work like this when running it in the REPL:

  >>> from datetime import date
  >>> from bdaydict import BirthdayDict
  >>> bd = BirthdayDict()
  >>> bd['bob'] = date(1987, 6, 15)
  >>> bd['tim'] = date(1984, 7, 15)
  >>> bd['mary'] = date(1987, 6, 15)  # whole date match
  Hey mary, there are more people with your birthday!
  >>> bd['sara'] = date(1987, 6, 14)
  >>> bd['mike'] = date(1981, 7, 15)  # day + month match
  Hey mike, there are more people with your birthday!

So if day and month are the same, you have a match; the year can be different. Use MSG to print the message, replacing {} with the name key of the newly added person.

Note that this exercise is meant to get you thinking about subclasses and extending built-in behavior. Instead of subclassing dict directly, we use UserDict, which provides better flexibility and ensures that overridden methods behave consistently.

Good luck and have fun!