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Complete a user class: properties and representation dunder methods

Level: Beginner (score: 2)

In this Bite you are presented with another class, User this time.

Like last Bite you are asked to complete it, see the TODOs in the code below:

  1. Complete the get_full_name property (more on properties here) that prints first and last name separated by a space.
  2. Complete the username property following its docstring.
  3. Complete the special representation dunder methods: __str__ and __repr__. Look at the tests what they should return. Brace yourself for some bonus learning for a twist we added in __repr__ (but as it's a Beginner Bite we give you a hint!)

Apart from Ned's awesome answer on SO, to give you an idea about the difference between __str__ and __repr__, check out how datetime implements them:

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> dt =
>>> str(dt)
'2019-02-04 23:05:27.376407'
>>> repr(dt)
'datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 4, 23, 5, 27, 376407)'

Good luck and keep calm and code in Python!