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String Manipulation Bite Exercises

Level Name Tags
String manipulation string manipulation newbie
String manipulations strings string manipulation split lowercase lists newbie slicing
String module string module string manipulation newbie list comprehensions
Strip out vowels and count the number of replacements regular expressions freebie string manipulation replace counting Zen of Python
Workout dictionary lookups exception handling freebie string manipulation dict format ternary
Nicer formatting of a poem or text string manipulation textwrap
Remove punctuation characters from a string string module string manipulation
Convert an amazon url into an affiliation link string manipulation regular expressions
Sorting words with constraint lambda string manipulation sorting
Parse an /etc/passwd file output string manipulation split tuple unpacking
Complete a user class: properties and representation dunder methods properties classes __repr__ string manipulation dunder methods f-strings __str__
Swap case pybites characters string manipulation looping string parsing
Uppercase Vowels loops string manipulation strings Hacktoberfest freebie
Return the right ordinal suffix for a number modulo numbers string manipulation dict
Analyze stock data counting data analysis string manipulation requests json sorting
Turn messy csv into json re string manipulation csv pandas json
Split a string by spaces or quoted text string manipulation split
Which packages were upgraded? comparison numbers string manipulation dict
Parse a bunch of quotes from html string manipulation regular expressions string parsing dict
Starwars character with highest bmi operator string manipulation tuple unpacking max
Unix file permissions string manipulation dict list comprehensions
Capitalize sentences string matching string manipulation regular expressions string parsing
Reverse complement bioinformatics translate string manipulation
Decompress string manipulation recursion
Find the fastest speech string manipulation datetime sorting
Get and write all code from a json file file processing json string manipulation filecmp
Convert text into multiple columns string manipulation
Social media username validator typing re regular expressions string manipulation range string matching namedtuple
Screen scraper regular expressions string manipulation index dict slicing
Calculate a coding streak in days datetime string manipulation timedelta
Manipulate string decorator kwargs string manipulation decorators list
Cli tool: html link converter (stdin to stdout) data wrangling exception handling html stdin string formatting string manipulation sys
String manipulation and metrics properties string formatting translate string manipulation Counter list comprehensions dataclasses
Get sentences from a text data wrangling string manipulation regular expressions
Pybites url shortener string module string manipulation type hinting dict encode decode
Get father's days by date and country string manipulation string parsing dateutil
Convert dict keys to snake case string manipulation recursion algorithms