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Exception Handling Bite Exercises

Level Name Tags
B Workout dictionary lookups exception handling string manipulation dict format ternary
B Type conversion and exception handling exception handling raise type casting
B Bloodtypes exception handling multi type input enum
B Simple length converter rounding exception handling numbers
B Write tests for list_to_decimal exception handling pytest
I Practice exceptions exception handling raise
I Write a user validation function exception handling classes namedtuple
I No promo twice, keep state in a class exception handling properties classes
I Create a multiplication table class of variable length exception handling numbers dunder methods classes
I Primitive date format inferrer classmethod datetime exception handling enum
I Exception handling: calculate the winning player exception handling numbers namedtuple
I Calculate the number of months passed datetime exception handling dateutil
I Contemporary composers exception handling generators datetime dict namedtuple
I Create a simple calculator operator exception handling numbers
I Calculate number of books to have read at date ... datetime exception handling dateutil
I Suppressing exceptions context managers exception handling
I Convert warcraft json data to csv json exception handling csv
I Thumbs up for operator overloading exception handling classes emojis dunder methods operator overloading
I Base converter exception handling base
I More logging practice logging exception handling
I Citation indexes typing exception handling builtins
A Subclass the list built-in exception handling properties dunder methods mean inheritance operator overloading list statistics median
A 15-way rock paper scissors exception handling games csv dict
A Cli tool: html link converter (stdin to stdout) data wrangling exception handling html stdin string formatting string manipulation sys
A Write a retry decorator exception handling decorators
A Test a number guessing game exception handling classes games mock.patch pytest
A Evaluate a bridge hand exception handling properties classes looping sorting enum
A 🥳 pto calculator exception handling string formatting looping datetime calendar numbers
A Magic bytes file processing exception handling images bytes string parsing csv
A Simple math equation solver exception handling itertools list operations operator math
A Learn to handle cron schedule expressions exception handling iteration datetime crontab dataclasses