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Sorting Bite Exercises

Level Name Tags
Parse a list of names freebie lambda min list comprehensions sorting
Query a nested data structure data structures sorting dictionary comprehensions list comprehensions
Sorting words with constraint lambda string manipulation sorting
Movie data analysis freebie data analysis mean defaultdict movie data sorting namedtuple
Find the user with most friends sorting looping tuples defaultdict
Analyze stock data counting data analysis string manipulation requests json sorting
Sort a list of book objects lambda operator datetime attrgetter list sorting namedtuple
Gourmets' nightmare operator sorting intersection Counter
Print car data grouped by manufacturer operator data structures itertools sorting
Write your own data class data structures type hinting dataclasses hashable sorting
Make an index of story characters enumerate string matching collections defaultdict sorting
Most upvoted stackoverflow python questions beautifulsoup string matching web scraping requests sorting
Analyze some bite stats data - part ii data analysis sorting csv
Get top titles from string parsing beautifulsoup news web scraping requests sorting namedtuple
Analyze gold prices comparison string parsing data analysis looping pandas sorting
Which bite has the fastest tests? sorting string parsing type casting
Find the fastest speech string manipulation datetime sorting
Exchange rates datetime sorting dict
Calculate the median from a dictionary sum sorting median
Sortable dataclasses and enums dataclasses sorting dunder methods enum
Two sums index sum sorting looping
Scrape best programming books data wrangling classes beautifulsoup data cleaning books web scraping sorting
Get the dates ninja belts were earned looping datetime pandas json sorting
Evaluate a bridge hand exception handling properties classes looping sorting enum