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Newbie Bite Exercises

These Newbie exercises are designed to teach you the fundamentals of Python from scratch. It is intended that you complete these in order from 1 to 50.

Note: These Bites are accessible as part of our Premium Subscription.

Level # Name Tags
B 1 Assigning objects newbie variables
B 2 Basic data types newbie data types
B 3 Basic printing newbie print
B 4 Printing objects newbie print
B 5 Basic maths math newbie
B 6 Additional maths math newbie
B 7 User input input newbie
B 8 String manipulation string manipulation newbie
B 9 Lists newbie list
B 10 Returning items by list index newbie list
B 11 Adding and removing items from a list newbie list
B 12 Dicts newbie list dict
B 13 Dict data retrieval methods newbie
B 14 Functions newbie functions
B 15 Functions part ii newbie functions
B 16 Equals operator equality newbie
B 17 If / else newbie if/else
B 18 Truthiness truthiness newbie
B 19 Less than and greater than comparison newbie
B 20 While loop while newbie
B 21 Comments newbie comments
B 22 For loops looping newbie
B 23 Looping through a dict newbie dict
B 24 Tuples tuples newbie
B 25 Calling a function newbie functions
B 26 Reading errors error handling debugging syntax errors newbie
B 27 Failing tests debugging testing pytest newbie
B 28 Type hints type hints newbie
B 29 Default arguments arguments newbie functions
B 30 Special chars strings special characters newline tab newbie
B 31 Word count strings methods newbie
B 32 Dict retrieval - part 2 dictionaries newbie
B 33 Dict retrieval - part 3 dictionaries newbie
B 34 Random module imports random newbie modules
B 35 Working with dates imports datetime newbie modules
B 36 Working with dates - part 2 imports newbie modules
B 37 Make a class newbie classes
B 38 Class with str newbie dunder methods classes
B 39 Make a dataclass dataclasses newbie classes
B 40 Scope newbie scope
B 41 String manipulations strings string manipulation split lowercase lists newbie slicing
B 42 List comprehension list comprehensions newbie numbers integer isdigit
B 43 Named tuple namedtuples newbie collections
B 44 Constants math newbie constants
B 45 Exceptions exceptions error handling newbie functions
B 46 For loop with break and continue loops control flow break continue newbie
B 47 In operator in operator lists newbie collections
B 48 String module string module string manipulation newbie list comprehensions
B 49 Formatting intro strings newbie string interpolation
B 50 Read the docs documentation reading docs collections newbie