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Newbie Bite Exercises

These Newbie exercises are designed to teach you the fundamentals of Python from scratch. It is intended that you complete these in order from 1 to 50.

Note: You can purchase this standalone bundle of exercises here. They are not part of the Premium Subscription.

Level # Name Tags
1 Assigning objects newbie variables freebie
2 Basic data types freebie newbie data types
3 Basic printing newbie freebie print
4 Printing objects newbie print
5 Basic maths math newbie
6 Additional maths math newbie
7 User input input newbie
8 String manipulation string manipulation newbie
9 Lists newbie list
10 Returning items by list index newbie list
11 Adding and removing items from a list newbie list
12 Dicts newbie list dict
13 Dict data retrieval methods newbie
14 Functions newbie functions
15 Functions part ii newbie functions
16 Equals operator equality newbie
17 If / else newbie if/else
18 Truthiness truthiness newbie
19 Less than and greater than comparison newbie
20 While loop while newbie
21 Comments newbie comments
22 For loops looping newbie
23 Looping through a dict newbie dict
24 Tuples tuples newbie
25 Calling a function newbie functions
26 Reading errors error handling debugging syntax errors newbie
27 Failing tests debugging testing pytest newbie
28 Type hints type hints newbie
29 Default arguments arguments newbie functions
30 Special chars strings special characters newline tab newbie
31 Word count strings methods newbie
32 Dict retrieval - part 2 dictionaries newbie
33 Dict retrieval - part 3 dictionaries newbie
34 Random module imports random newbie modules
35 Working with dates imports datetime newbie modules
36 Working with dates - part 2 imports newbie modules
37 Make a class newbie classes
38 Class with str newbie dunder methods classes
39 Make a dataclass dataclasses newbie classes
40 Scope newbie scope
41 String manipulations strings string manipulation split lowercase lists newbie slicing
42 List comprehension list comprehensions newbie numbers integer isdigit
43 Named tuple namedtuples newbie collections
44 Constants math newbie constants
45 Exceptions exceptions error handling newbie functions
46 For loop with break and continue loops control flow break continue newbie
47 In operator in operator lists newbie collections
48 String module string module string manipulation newbie list comprehensions
49 Formatting intro strings newbie string interpolation
50 Read the docs documentation reading docs collections newbie