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Clamytoe's Bite Exercises

Level Name Tags
Martin's iq test enumerate string module
Simple length converter rounding exception handling numbers
Some logging practice logging callable
Convert decimal to roman numerals OrderedDict numbers
Implement a color class with staticmethod __repr__ hex string module staticmethod __str__
Type hinting practice dataclasses type hinting classes
Clamy fernet typing encryption fernet cryptography dataclasses encode
Base converter exception handling base
Write a binary search algorithm algorithms binary search
Code your way out of a grid numbers looping tuple unpacking namedtuple
Screen scraper regular expressions string manipulation index dict slicing
Two sums index sum sorting looping
Record breakers data analysis csv pandas
Ninja rankings classes bisect heapq tuples dunder methods dataclasses
String manipulation and metrics properties string formatting translate string manipulation Counter list comprehensions dataclasses
🥳 minecraft enchantable items beautifulsoup web scraping
Pomodoro with asyncio pomodoro asyncio
Scrape best programming books data wrangling classes beautifulsoup data cleaning books web scraping sorting
Pybites url shortener string module string manipulation type hinting dict encode decode
Composition, inheritance, abstract base class, what? typing ABCs abstractmethod beautifulsoup string formatting composition urllib inheritance web scraping dataclasses namedtuple
Taxable income calculator typing finance properties classes dataclasses namedtuple
Generating sales reports from github data data analysis pandas
🥳 pto calculator exception handling string formatting looping datetime calendar numbers